Steps: [ install | jax | haiku | q-learning | dqn | ppo | next_steps ]

Q-Learning on FrozenLake

In this first reinforcement learning example we’ll solve a simple grid world environment.

Non-Slippery FrozenLake solved

Our agent starts at the top left cell, labeled S. The goal of our agent is to find its way to the bottom right cell, labeled G. The cells labeled H are holes, which the agent must learn to avoid.

In this example, we’ll implement a simple value-based agent, which we update using the q-learning algorithm.

To run this, either hit the Google Colab button or download and run the script on your local machine.

Open in Google Colab
import coax
import gymnasium
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import haiku as hk
import optax

# the MDP
env = gymnasium.make('FrozenLakeNonSlippery-v0')
env = coax.wrappers.TrainMonitor(env)

def func(S, A, is_training):
    value = hk.Sequential((hk.Flatten(), hk.Linear(1, w_init=jnp.zeros), jnp.ravel))
    X = jax.vmap(jnp.kron)(S, A)  # S and A are one-hot encoded
    return value(X)

# function approximator
q = coax.Q(func, env)
pi = coax.BoltzmannPolicy(q, temperature=0.1)

# experience tracer
tracer = coax.reward_tracing.NStep(n=1, gamma=0.9)

# updater
qlearning = coax.td_learning.QLearning(q, optimizer=optax.adam(0.02))

# train
for ep in range(500):
    s, info = env.reset()

    for t in range(env.spec.max_episode_steps):
        a = pi(s)
        s_next, r, done, truncated, info = env.step(a)

        # small incentive to keep moving
        if jnp.array_equal(s_next, s):
            r = -0.01

        # update
        tracer.add(s, a, r, done or truncated)
        while tracer:
            transition_batch = tracer.pop()

        if done or truncated:

        s = s_next

    # early stopping
    if env.avg_G > env.spec.reward_threshold:

# run env one more time to render
s, info = env.reset()

for t in range(env.spec.max_episode_steps):

    # print individual state-action values
    for i, q_ in enumerate(q(s)):
        print("  q(s,{:s}) = {:.3f}".format('LDRU'[i], q_))

    a = pi.mode(s)
    s, r, done, truncated, info = env.step(a)


    if done or truncated:

if env.avg_G < env.spec.reward_threshold:
    name = globals().get('__file__', 'this script')
    raise RuntimeError(f"{name} failed to reach env.spec.reward_threshold")