Source code for coax.wrappers._frame_stacking

from collections import deque

import gymnasium

[docs]class FrameStacking(gymnasium.Wrapper): r""" Wrapper that does frame stacking (see `DQN paper <>`_). This implementation is different from most implementations in that it doesn't perform the stacking itself. Instead, it just returns a tuple of frames (untouched), which may be stacked downstream. The benefit of this implementation is two-fold. First, it respects the :mod:`gymnasium.spaces` API, where each observation is truly an element of the observation space (this is not true of the gymnasium implementation, which uses a custom data class to maintain its minimal memory footprint). Second, this implementation is compatibility with the :mod:`jax.tree_util` module, which means that we can feed it into jit-compiled functions directly. Example ------- .. code:: import gymnasium env = gymnasium.make('PongNoFrameskip-v0') print(env.observation_space) # Box(210, 160, 3) env = FrameStacking(env, num_frames=2) print(env.observation_space) # Tuple((Box(210, 160, 3), Box(210, 160, 3))) Parameters ---------- env : gymnasium-style environment The original environment to be wrapped. num_frames : positive int Number of frames to stack. """ def __init__(self, env, num_frames): if not (isinstance(num_frames, int) and num_frames > 0): raise TypeError(f"num_frames must be a positive int, got: {num_frames}") super().__init__(env) self.observation_space = gymnasium.spaces.Tuple((self.env.observation_space,) * num_frames) self._frames = deque(maxlen=num_frames)
[docs] def step(self, action): observation, reward, done, truncated, info = self.env.step(action) self._frames.append(observation) return tuple(self._frames), reward, done, truncated, info
[docs] def reset(self, **kwargs): observation, info = self.env.reset(**kwargs) self._frames.extend(observation for _ in range(self._frames.maxlen)) return tuple(self._frames), info # shallow copy