Source code for coax.wrappers._box_spaces

import gymnasium
import numpy as onp
from scipy.special import expit as sigmoid

from .._base.mixins import AddOrigToInfoDictMixin

__all__ = (

[docs]class BoxActionsToReals(gymnasium.Wrapper, AddOrigToInfoDictMixin): r""" This wrapper decompactifies a :class:`Box <gymnasium.spaces.Box>` action space to the reals. This is required in order to be able to use a Gaussian policy. In practice, the wrapped environment expects the input action :math:`a_\text{real}\in\mathbb{R}^n` and then it compactifies it back to a Box of the right size: .. math:: a_\text{box}\ =\ \text{low} + (\text{high}-\text{low})\times\text{sigmoid}(a_\text{real}) Technically, the transformed space is still a Box, but that's only because we assume that the values lie between large but finite bounds, :math:`a_\text{real}\in[-10^{15}, 10^{15}]^n`. """ def __init__(self, env): super().__init__(env) if not isinstance(self.action_space, gymnasium.spaces.Box): raise NotImplementedError("BoxActionsToReals is only implemented for Box action spaces") shape_flat =, self.action_space = gymnasium.spaces.Box( low=onp.full(shape_flat, -1e15, self.env.action_space.dtype), high=onp.full(shape_flat, 1e15, self.env.action_space.dtype))
[docs] def step(self, a): assert self.action_space.contains(a) self._a_orig = self._compactify(a) s_next, r, done, truncated, info = super().step(self._a_orig) self._add_a_orig_to_info_dict(info) return s_next, r, done, truncated, info
def _compactify(self, action): hi, lo = self.env.action_space.high, self.env.action_space.low action = onp.clip(action, -1e15, 1e15) action = onp.reshape(action, self.env.action_space.shape) return lo + (hi - lo) * sigmoid(action)
[docs]class BoxActionsToDiscrete(gymnasium.Wrapper, AddOrigToInfoDictMixin): r""" This wrapper splits a :class:`Box <gymnasium.spaces.Box>` action space into bins. The resulting action space is either :class:`Discrete <gymnasium.spaces.Discrete>` or :class:`MultiDiscrete <gymnasium.spaces.MultiDiscrete>`, depending on the shape of the original action space. Parameters ---------- num_bins : int or tuple of ints The number of bins to use. A multi-dimenionsional box requires a tuple of num_bins instead of a single integer. random_seed : int, optional Sets the random state to get reproducible results. """ def __init__(self, env, num_bins, random_seed=None): super().__init__(env) if not isinstance(self.action_space, gymnasium.spaces.Box): raise NotImplementedError( "BoxActionsToDiscrete is only implemented for Box action spaces") self._rnd = onp.random.RandomState(random_seed) self._init_action_space(num_bins) # also sets self._nvec and self._size
[docs] def step(self, a): assert self.action_space.contains(a) self._a_orig = self._discrete_to_box(a) s_next, r, done, truncated, info = super().step(self._a_orig) self._add_a_orig_to_info_dict(info) return s_next, r, done, truncated, info
def _discrete_to_box(self, a_discrete): hi, lo = self.env.action_space.high, self.env.action_space.low a_flat = (a_discrete + self._rnd.rand(self._size)) / self._nvec a_reshaped = onp.reshape(a_flat, self.env.action_space.shape) a_rescaled = lo + a_reshaped * (hi - lo) return a_rescaled def _init_action_space(self, num_bins): self._size = if isinstance(num_bins, int): self._nvec = [num_bins] * self._size elif isinstance(num_bins, tuple) and all(isinstance(i, int) for i in num_bins): if len(num_bins) != self._size: raise ValueError( "len(num_bins) must be equal to the number of non-trivial dimensions: " f"{self._size}") self._nvec = onp.asarray(num_bins) else: raise TypeError("num_bins must an int or tuple of ints") if self._size == 1: self.action_space = gymnasium.spaces.Discrete(self._nvec[0]) else: self.action_space = gymnasium.spaces.MultiDiscrete(self._nvec)