Source code for coax.value_transforms._log_transform

import jax.numpy as jnp

from ._base import ValueTransform

[docs]class LogTransform(ValueTransform): r""" A simple invertible log-transform. .. math:: x\ \mapsto\ y\ =\ \lambda\,\text{sign}(x)\, \log\left(1+\frac{|x|}{\lambda}\right) with inverse: .. math:: y\ \mapsto\ x\ =\ \lambda\,\text{sign}(y)\, \left(\text{e}^{|y|/\lambda} - 1\right) This transform logarithmically supresses large values :math:`|x|\gg1` and smoothly interpolates to the identity transform for small values :math:`|x|\sim1` (see figure below). .. image:: /_static/img/log_transform.svg :alt: Invertible log-transform :width: 640px Parameters ---------- scale : positive float, optional The scale :math:`\lambda>0` of the linear-to-log cross-over. Smaller values for :math:`\lambda` translate into earlier onset of the cross-over. """ __slots__ = ValueTransform.__slots__ + ('scale',) def __init__(self, scale=1.0): assert scale > 0 self.scale = scale def transform_func(x): return jnp.sign(x) * scale * jnp.log(1 + jnp.abs(x) / scale) def inverse_func(x): return jnp.sign(x) * scale * (jnp.exp(jnp.abs(x) / scale) - 1) self._transform_func = transform_func self._inverse_func = inverse_func