Source code for coax.regularizers._entropy

import jax.numpy as jnp

from ..utils import jit
from ._base import Regularizer

[docs]class EntropyRegularizer(Regularizer): r""" Policy regularization term based on the entropy of the policy. The regularization term is to be added to the loss function: .. math:: \text{loss}(\theta; s,a)\ =\ -J(\theta; s,a) - \beta\,H[\pi_\theta(.|s)] where :math:`J(\theta)` is the bare policy objective. Parameters ---------- f : stochastic function approximator The stochastic function approximator (e.g. :class:`coax.Policy`) to regularize. beta : non-negative float The coefficient that determines the strength of the overall regularization term. """ def __init__(self, f, beta=0.001): super().__init__(f) self.beta = beta def function(dist_params, beta): entropy = self.f.proba_dist.entropy(dist_params) return -beta * entropy def metrics(dist_params, beta): entropy = self.f.proba_dist.entropy(dist_params) return { 'EntropyRegularizer/beta': beta, 'EntropyRegularizer/entropy': jnp.mean(entropy)} self._function = jit(function) self._metrics_func = jit(metrics) @property def hyperparams(self): return {'beta': self.beta} @property def function(self): r""" JIT-compiled function that returns the values for the regularization term. Parameters ---------- dist_params : pytree with ndarray leaves The distribution parameters of the (conditional) probability distribution. beta : non-negative float The coefficient that determines the strength of the overall regularization term. """ return self._function @property def metrics_func(self): r""" JIT-compiled function that returns the performance metrics for the regularization term. Parameters ---------- dist_params : pytree with ndarray leaves The distribution parameters of the (conditional) probability distribution. beta : non-negative float The coefficient that determines the strength of the overall regularization term. """ return self._metrics_func