Source code for coax.policy_objectives._ppo_clip

import jax.numpy as jnp
import haiku as hk
import chex

from ._base import PolicyObjective

[docs]class PPOClip(PolicyObjective): r""" PPO-clip policy objective. .. math:: J(\theta; s,a)\ =\ \min\Big( \rho_\theta\,\mathcal{A}(s,a)\,,\ \bar{\rho}_\theta\,\mathcal{A}(s,a)\Big) where :math:`\rho_\theta` and :math:`\bar{\rho}_\theta` are the bare and clipped probability ratios, respectively: .. math:: \rho_\theta\ =\ \frac{\pi_\theta(a|s)}{\pi_{\theta_\text{old}}(a|s)}\ , \qquad \bar{\rho}_\theta\ =\ \big[\rho_\theta\big]^{1+\epsilon}_{1-\epsilon} This objective has the property that it allows for slightly more off-policy updates than the vanilla policy gradient. Parameters ---------- pi : Policy The parametrized policy :math:`\pi_\theta(a|s)`. optimizer : optax optimizer, optional An optax-style optimizer. The default optimizer is :func:`optax.adam(1e-3) <optax.adam>`. regularizer : Regularizer, optional A policy regularizer, see :mod:`coax.regularizers`. epsilon : positive float, optional The clipping parameter :math:`\epsilon` that is used to defined the clipped importance weight :math:`\bar{\rho}`. """ REQUIRES_PROPENSITIES = True def __init__(self, pi, optimizer=None, regularizer=None, epsilon=0.2): super().__init__(pi=pi, optimizer=optimizer, regularizer=regularizer) self.epsilon = epsilon @property def hyperparams(self): return hk.data_structures.to_immutable_dict({ 'regularizer': getattr(self.regularizer, 'hyperparams', {}), 'epsilon': self.epsilon}) def objective_func(self, params, state, hyperparams, rng, transition_batch, Adv): rngs = hk.PRNGSequence(rng) # get distribution params from function approximator S = self.pi.observation_preprocessor(next(rngs), transition_batch.S) dist_params, state_new = self.pi.function(params, state, next(rngs), S, True) # compute probability ratios A = self.pi.proba_dist.preprocess_variate(next(rngs), transition_batch.A) log_pi = self.pi.proba_dist.log_proba(dist_params, A) ratio = jnp.exp(log_pi - transition_batch.logP) # π_new / π_old ratio_clip = jnp.clip(ratio, 1 - hyperparams['epsilon'], 1 + hyperparams['epsilon']) # clip importance weights to reduce variance W = jnp.clip(transition_batch.W, 0.1, 10.) # ppo-clip objective chex.assert_equal_shape([W, Adv, ratio, ratio_clip]) chex.assert_rank([W, Adv, ratio, ratio_clip], 1) objective = W * jnp.minimum(Adv * ratio, Adv * ratio_clip) # also pass auxiliary data to avoid multiple forward passes return jnp.mean(objective), (dist_params, log_pi, state_new)