Source code for coax._core.successor_state_q

import warnings

import jax
import haiku as hk

from .._core.q import Q
from .._core.base_stochastic_func_type1 import BaseStochasticFuncType1
from ..utils import (
    check_preprocessors, is_vfunction, is_reward_function, is_transition_model, is_stochastic, jit)

__all__ = (

[docs]class SuccessorStateQ: r""" A state-action value function :math:`q(s,a)=r(s,a)+\gamma\mathop{\mathbb{E}}_{s'\sim p(.|s,a)}v(s')`. **caution** A word of caution: If you use custom observation/action pre-/post-processors, please make sure that all three function approximators :code:`v`, :code:`p` and :code:`r` use the same ones. Parameters ---------- v : V or StochasticV A state value function :math:`v(s)`. p : TransitionModel or StochasticTransitionModel A transition model. r : RewardFunction or StochasticRewardFunction A reward function. gamma : float between 0 and 1, optional The discount factor for future rewards :math:`\gamma\in[0,1]`. """ def __init__(self, v, p, r, gamma=0.9): # some explicit type checks if not is_vfunction(v): raise TypeError(f"v must be a state-value function, got: {type(v)}") if not is_transition_model(p): raise TypeError(f"p must be a transition model, got: {type(p)}") if not is_reward_function(r): raise TypeError(f"r must be a reward function, got: {type(r)}") self.v = v self.p = p self.r = r self.gamma = gamma # we assume that self.r uses the same action preprocessor self.observation_space = self.p.observation_space self.action_space = self.p.action_space self.action_preprocessor = self.p.action_preprocessor self.observation_preprocessor = self.p.observation_preprocessor self.observation_postprocessor = self.p.observation_postprocessor self.value_transform = self.v.value_transform if not check_preprocessors( self.observation_space, self.v.observation_preprocessor, self.r.observation_preprocessor, self.p.observation_preprocessor): warnings.warn( "it seems that observation_preprocessors of v, r ,p do not match; please " "instantiate your functions approximators with the same observation_preprocessors, " "e.g. v = coax.V(..., observation_preprocessor=p.observation_preprocessor) and " "r = coax.RewardFunction(..., observation_preprocessor=p.observation_preprocessor) " "to ensure that all preprocessors match") _reshape_to_replicas = BaseStochasticFuncType1._reshape_to_replicas _reshape_from_replicas = BaseStochasticFuncType1._reshape_from_replicas @property def rng(self): return self.v.rng @property def params(self): return hk.data_structures.to_immutable_dict({ 'v': self.v.params, 'p': self.p.params, 'r': self.r.params, 'gamma': self.gamma, }) @property def function_state(self): return hk.data_structures.to_immutable_dict({ 'v': self.v.function_state, 'p': self.p.function_state, 'r': self.r.function_state, }) @property def function_type1(self): if not hasattr(self, '_function_type1'): def func(params, state, rng, S, A, is_training): rngs = hk.PRNGSequence(rng) new_state = dict(state) # s' ~ p(.|s,a) if is_stochastic(self.p): dist_params, new_state['p'] = self.p.function_type1( params['p'], state['p'], next(rngs), S, A, is_training) S_next = self.p.proba_dist.mean(dist_params) else: S_next, new_state['p'] = self.p.function_type1( params['p'], state['p'], next(rngs), S, A, is_training) # r = r(s,a) if is_stochastic(self.r): dist_params, new_state['r'] = self.r.function_type1( params['r'], state['r'], next(rngs), S, A, is_training) R = self.r.proba_dist.mean(dist_params) R = self.r.proba_dist.postprocess_variate(next(rngs), R, batch_mode=True) else: R, new_state['r'] = self.r.function_type1( params['r'], state['r'], next(rngs), S, A, is_training) # v(s') if is_stochastic(self.v): dist_params, new_state['v'] = self.v.function( params['v'], state['v'], next(rngs), S_next, is_training) V = self.v.proba_dist.mean(dist_params) V = self.v.proba_dist.postprocess_variate(next(rngs), V, batch_mode=True) else: V, new_state['v'] = self.v.function( params['v'], state['v'], next(rngs), S_next, is_training) # q = r + γ v(s') f, f_inv = self.value_transform Q_sa = f(R + params['gamma'] * f_inv(V)) assert Q_sa.ndim == 1, f"bad shape: {Q_sa.shape}" new_state = hk.data_structures.to_immutable_dict(new_state) assert jax.tree_util.tree_structure( new_state) == jax.tree_util.tree_structure(state) return Q_sa, new_state self._function_type1 = jit(func, static_argnums=(5,)) return self._function_type1 @property def function_type2(self): if not hasattr(self, '_function_type2'): def func(params, state, rng, S, is_training): rngs = hk.PRNGSequence(rng) new_state = dict(state) # s' ~ p(s'|s,.) # note: S_next is replicated, one for each (discrete) action if is_stochastic(self.p): dist_params_rep, new_state['p'] = self.p.function_type2( params['p'], state['p'], next(rngs), S, is_training) dist_params_rep = jax.tree_map(self._reshape_to_replicas, dist_params_rep) S_next_rep = self.p.proba_dist.mean(dist_params_rep) else: S_next_rep, new_state['p'] = self.p.function_type2( params['p'], state['p'], next(rngs), S, is_training) S_next_rep = jax.tree_map(self._reshape_to_replicas, S_next_rep) # r ~ p(r|s,a) # note: R is replicated, one for each (discrete) action if is_stochastic(self.r): dist_params_rep, new_state['r'] = self.r.function_type2( params['r'], state['r'], next(rngs), S, is_training) dist_params_rep = jax.tree_map(self._reshape_to_replicas, dist_params_rep) R_rep = self.r.proba_dist.mean(dist_params_rep) R_rep = self.r.proba_dist.postprocess_variate( next(rngs), R_rep, batch_mode=True) else: R_rep, new_state['r'] = self.r.function_type2( params['r'], state['r'], next(rngs), S, is_training) R_rep = jax.tree_map(self._reshape_to_replicas, R_rep) # v(s') # note: since the input S_next is replicated, so is the output V if is_stochastic(self.v): dist_params_rep, new_state['v'] = self.v.function( params['v'], state['v'], next(rngs), S_next_rep, is_training) V_rep = self.v.proba_dist.mean(dist_params_rep) V_rep = self.v.proba_dist.postprocess_variate( next(rngs), V_rep, batch_mode=True) else: V_rep, new_state['v'] = self.v.function( params['v'], state['v'], next(rngs), S_next_rep, is_training) # q = r + γ v(s') f, f_inv = self.value_transform Q_rep = f(R_rep + params['gamma'] * f_inv(V_rep)) # reshape from (batch x num_actions, *) to (batch, num_actions, *) Q_s = self._reshape_from_replicas(Q_rep) assert Q_s.ndim == 2, f"bad shape: {Q_s.shape}" assert Q_s.shape[1] == self.action_space.n, f"bad shape: {Q_s.shape}" new_state = hk.data_structures.to_immutable_dict(new_state) assert jax.tree_util.tree_structure( new_state) == jax.tree_util.tree_structure(state) return Q_s, new_state self._function_type2 = jit(func, static_argnums=(4,)) return self._function_type2
[docs] def __call__(self, s, a=None): r""" Evaluate the state-action function on a state observation :math:`s` or on a state-action pair :math:`(s, a)`. Parameters ---------- s : state observation A single state observation :math:`s`. a : action A single action :math:`a`. Returns ------- q_sa or q_s : ndarray Depending on whether :code:`a` is provided, this either returns a scalar representing :math:`q(s,a)\in\mathbb{R}` or a vector representing :math:`q(s,.)\in\mathbb{R}^n`, where :math:`n` is the number of discrete actions. Naturally, this only applies for discrete action spaces. """ return Q.__call__(self, s, a=a)