Source code for coax._core.stochastic_transition_model

from ..utils import default_preprocessor
from ..proba_dists import ProbaDist
from .base_stochastic_func_type1 import BaseStochasticFuncType1

__all__ = (

[docs]class StochasticTransitionModel(BaseStochasticFuncType1): r""" A stochastic transition model :math:`p_\theta(s'|s,a)`. Here, :math:`s'` is the successor state, given that we take action :math:`a` from state :math:`s`. Parameters ---------- func : function A Haiku-style function that specifies the forward pass. env : gymnasium.Env The gymnasium-style environment. This is used to validate the input/output structure of ``func``. observation_preprocessor : function, optional Turns a single observation into a batch of observations in a form that is convenient for feeding into :code:`func`. If left unspecified, this defaults to :attr:`proba_dist.preprocess_variate <coax.proba_dists.ProbaDist.preprocess_variate>`. action_preprocessor : function, optional Turns a single action into a batch of actions in a form that is convenient for feeding into :code:`func`. If left unspecified, this defaults :func:`default_preprocessor(env.action_space) <coax.utils.default_preprocessor>`. proba_dist : ProbaDist, optional A probability distribution that is used to interpret the output of :code:`func <coax.Policy.func>`. Check out the :mod:`coax.proba_dists` module for available options. If left unspecified, this defaults to: .. code:: python proba_dist = coax.proba_dists.ProbaDist(observation_space) random_seed : int, optional Seed for pseudo-random number generators. """ def __init__( self, func, env, observation_preprocessor=None, action_preprocessor=None, proba_dist=None, random_seed=None): # set defaults if proba_dist is None: proba_dist = ProbaDist(env.observation_space) if observation_preprocessor is None: observation_preprocessor = proba_dist.preprocess_variate if action_preprocessor is None: action_preprocessor = default_preprocessor(env.action_space) super().__init__( func=func, observation_space=env.observation_space, action_space=env.action_space, observation_preprocessor=observation_preprocessor, action_preprocessor=action_preprocessor, proba_dist=proba_dist, random_seed=random_seed)
[docs] @classmethod def example_data( cls, env, action_preprocessor=None, proba_dist=None, batch_size=1, random_seed=None): # set defaults if action_preprocessor is None: action_preprocessor = default_preprocessor(env.action_space) if proba_dist is None: proba_dist = ProbaDist(env.observation_space) return super().example_data( env=env, observation_preprocessor=proba_dist.preprocess_variate, action_preprocessor=action_preprocessor, proba_dist=proba_dist, batch_size=batch_size, random_seed=random_seed)
[docs] def __call__(self, s, a=None, return_logp=False): r""" Sample a successor state :math:`s'` from the dynamics model :math:`p(s'|s,a)`. Parameters ---------- s : state observation A single state observation :math:`s`. a : action, optional A single action :math:`a`. This is *required* if the actions space is non-discrete. return_logp : bool, optional Whether to return the log-propensity :math:`\log p(s'|s,a)`. Returns ------- s_next : state observation or list thereof Depending on whether :code:`a` is provided, this either returns a single next-state :math:`s'` or a list of :math:`n` next-states, one for each discrete action. logp : non-positive float or list thereof, optional The log-propensity :math:`\log p(s'|s,a)`. This is only returned if we set ``return_logp=True``. Depending on whether :code:`a` is provided, this is either a single float or a list of :math:`n` floats, one for each discrete action. """ return super().__call__(s, a=a, return_logp=return_logp)
[docs] def mean(self, s, a=None): r""" Get the mean successor state :math:`s'` according to the dynamics model, :math:`s'=\arg\max_{s'}p_\theta(s'|s,a)`. Parameters ---------- s : state observation A single state observation :math:`s`. a : action, optional A single action :math:`a`. This is *required* if the actions space is non-discrete. Returns ------- s_next : state observation or list thereof Depending on whether :code:`a` is provided, this either returns a single next-state :math:`s'` or a list of :math:`n` next-states, one for each discrete action. """ return super().mean(s, a=a)
[docs] def mode(self, s, a=None): r""" Get the most probable successor state :math:`s'` according to the dynamics model, :math:`s'=\arg\max_{s'}p_\theta(s'|s,a)`. Parameters ---------- s : state observation A single state observation :math:`s`. a : action, optional A single action :math:`a`. This is *required* if the actions space is non-discrete. Returns ------- s_next : state observation or list thereof Depending on whether :code:`a` is provided, this either returns a single next-state :math:`s'` or a list of :math:`n` next-states, one for each discrete action. """ return super().mode(s, a=a)
[docs] def dist_params(self, s, a=None): r""" Get the parameters of the conditional probability distribution :math:`p_\theta(s'|s,a)`. Parameters ---------- s : state observation A single state observation :math:`s`. a : action, optional A single action :math:`a`. This is *required* if the actions space is non-discrete. Returns ------- dist_params : dict or list of dicts Depending on whether :code:`a` is provided, this either returns a single dist-params dict or a list of :math:`n` such dicts, one for each discrete action. """ return super().dist_params(s, a=a)